I was actually embarrased that the mail man knew we were witnesses.
Yeah. I started to get that feeling just as I was beginning to go to junior high school.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
if the wts and jws were to dissolve, i'm sure many of us would have mixed emotions....elation that a destructive.
cult has finally lost its hold....joy at seeing family members embracing us as people once again...etc.. having been raised in it, i have so many little memories that have come to be like little collectibles on a shelf.. i'll give you one.
if anybody else remember these, i'll be surprised.
I was actually embarrased that the mail man knew we were witnesses.
Yeah. I started to get that feeling just as I was beginning to go to junior high school.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
if the wts and jws were to dissolve, i'm sure many of us would have mixed emotions....elation that a destructive.
cult has finally lost its hold....joy at seeing family members embracing us as people once again...etc.. having been raised in it, i have so many little memories that have come to be like little collectibles on a shelf.. i'll give you one.
if anybody else remember these, i'll be surprised.
Magazine subscriptions that came in the mail with those brown wrappers with your name and address printed in dot matrix form.
Just being a child and receiving anything in the mail addressed to me personally was quite a self-confidence booster. But that got dry and tired just before I reached junior high school.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
this must be a sign of what will lie ahead for the j-dubs (at least in the united states).
this last weekend at the special day circuit assembly i went to, not a single person got baptized (zero, zip, nada) and the funny part was that they still had to give the baptism talk because it was already in the program schedule.
hopefully people are starting to catch on and we'll have a few more "zero baptism" assemblies.
I've experienced this before. It was at a circuit assembly about five years ago with about 1,200 in attendance.
It was extremely odd during my decades of being a JW. The speaker actually said at the end of his talk, "We don't have any baptismal candidates", and he walked off stage concluding his part since there wasn't any need to ask the two questions. Then came the the strange part. Everyone clapped.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exertng Vigorously)
years ago when studying for meetings, i used several different translations so i could make a comparison.
i could never find anything to support that one verse.
does anyone have any information on how they arrived at that?
Does anyone have any information on how they arrived at that?
Psalm 68:11 in the NWT
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)
this seems to be the topic of the week, if not this year.. out of the many points and countless threads about this topic, many have been speculative and of the reminiscing sort.
i was wondering how many confirmations we have about this.
there were only a few that sounded like confirmations that i found posted on this site.
Thanks all for your replies and especially for the ones sharing their confirmation stories.
It does seem like this so-called rumor is true.
I did my part and mentioned about a BIG announcement to my PO. Although I didn't mention the fine details in order not to throw up too many red flags, I did say that I heard about a major organizational restructuring program that will start next hear to simplify the needs of everyone. I also said that this announcement wouldn't never been imagined by JWs, especially long-timers in the organization.
He was surprised that I knew that much. Also a little disturbed. He confirmed what I said and told me that this is strictly confidential and that even the elder body in my congregation didn't know of this change.....yet. He also told me that in order to avoid unneccessary confusion, I ought to keep to the direction of it being confidential.
"Confidential?", I said with a smile.
I left it at that.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)
from my understanding--at least from my instruction from the wbts--humans were not permitted to eat meat by yahweh until after the flood.
if that is true, then why would abel offer tasty, delicious "fatty pieces" to yahweh?
how would abel even know how to cut up an animal for food and know which parts were the best for eating?.
1) What about all those ancient, even prehistoric, images in caves of people killing/hunting mammoths, deer and other free roaming animals?
Some of these date way beyond the flood, since mammoths existed prior to the global flood of the Bible. It wasn't just for skin/fur and bones for tools. Meat was eaten.
2) Why then did Jehovah command Noah and his family to not eat blood with the flesh?
Genesis 9:3-4, And every thing that moveth and liveth shall be meat for you: even as the green herbs have I delivered them all to you: 4Saving that flesh with blood you shall not eat. (DRC)
Perhaps, they were already eating both blood and flesh. No one can show that they didn't already eat blood before the deluge or during the one year in the Arch; likewise, no one can show that they did. Except! There is no law without a reason! Those who disagree should try to answer the following: why did God make the Israelites divide animals into clean and unclean?For the sake of eating naturally. The division of clean and unclean animals that Noah obviously was aware of — had nothing to do with some animals being cleaner or dirtier than other animals – it was not because some animals took more baths than others.
The only explanation for the distinction Noah was aware of — is the motivation for eating them! Jehovah didn’t have to teach him which were clean or unclean when he spoke about that subject; Noah already knew this perhaps from prior personal or ancestor-given revelations. Why would he have need for such knowledge if he didn't eat meat?
3) But after Adam & Eve sinned, Bible readers know that God cursed the ground of the earth. In Gen 3:17-19, we see,
. . . cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life; 18Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field; 19In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return. (KJV)
The garden of Eden diet included bread, "seed-bearing herb sowing seed", and "every tree which has in itself the fruit of seed." Once the ground had been cursed, it had an immediate effect on their diet. Human nature being what it is, the following question is natural: Is it then in accord with human nature to fight with a ground that doesn't produce food and for a person to go hungry when a fat chicken is within reach, perhaps walking right by? There is really no point to the question. It's simply against human nature not to go for such a chicken in best KFC style. The old Charlie Chaplin movie proved that point, when Charlie even started believing his friend was a chicken!
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)
this seems to be the topic of the week, if not this year.. out of the many points and countless threads about this topic, many have been speculative and of the reminiscing sort.
i was wondering how many confirmations we have about this.
there were only a few that sounded like confirmations that i found posted on this site.
It hasn't showed up yet!!!!!!!!!!!
You should have it. I sent it.
Thanks for your contribution to this site.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
this seems to be the topic of the week, if not this year.. out of the many points and countless threads about this topic, many have been speculative and of the reminiscing sort.
i was wondering how many confirmations we have about this.
there were only a few that sounded like confirmations that i found posted on this site.
Thanks all for your replies and imput. All I asked was for verification of certain sources.
yesidid, you have a PM
I hope you understand the reason for my inquiry and for this thread being created.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
this seems to be the topic of the week, if not this year.. out of the many points and countless threads about this topic, many have been speculative and of the reminiscing sort.
i was wondering how many confirmations we have about this.
there were only a few that sounded like confirmations that i found posted on this site.
If you want more, PM me.
"Not Feeling It", you have a PM.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
this seems to be the topic of the week, if not this year.. out of the many points and countless threads about this topic, many have been speculative and of the reminiscing sort.
i was wondering how many confirmations we have about this.
there were only a few that sounded like confirmations that i found posted on this site.
Hello everyone. This seems to be the topic of the week, if not this year.
Out of the many points and countless threads about this topic, many have been speculative and of the reminiscing sort. I was wondering how many CONFIRMATIONS we have about this. There were only a few that sounded like confirmations that I found posted on this site. There may have been more that I didn't find.
http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/156826/1.ashx (yesidid = confirmed from reliable source. We don't know if source is JW??)
http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/156831/1.ashx (sir82, a JW elder heard from his PO about a special annoucement, no details)
http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/12/156799/2875029/post.ashx#2875029 (dozy = like sir82, heard from PO about annoucement, no details)
http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/156887/1.ashx (outofthebox = talked with PO and said PO was PO'd that he knew. Closest to confirmation)
http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/156788/2873946/post.ashx#2873946 (oneairhead = reliable source. We don't know if source is JW??)
How many of these confirmations are from JW sources? Some confirmations are only about a special announcement on April 27th. Some about a restructure of congregational meetings. Is that enough for you to say this change is legitimate regarding book study at private home elimination? Do we have anybody here, besides those listed above, who actually confirmed with an active JW Presiding Overseer about this annoucement?
I just want to be sure of this. Nothing wrong with that. I do want to mention that this site does have an impeccable ability to catch and announce "confidential matters" before it is broadcasted publicly at the local Kingdom Halls and conventions/assemblies. That is one thing I like about JWD. If this so-called rumor is true, then my faith in JWD's forum arena will be heightened even more so.
I'll wait, like everyone else, for Sunday April 27th to verify this. However, I still would like to have some other posters add to this list by mentioning that they confirmed this with an active JW elder.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)